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A Mermaids Tale: A Personal Search for Love and Lore by Amanda Adams

Book Type: Memoir with fantasy Author: Amanda Adams Pages: 208 Summary ( Elusive, seductive, otherworldly, the mermaid is one of the most resonant of female archetypes, persisting across cultures and eras. In this singular study, Amanda Adams uses poetic language and invokes a wide range of representations and disciplines--from literature, poetry, and mythology to anthropology and folklore--to reclaim this icon of female power for modern readers. Beginning with Melusina, the bathing mermaid par excellence, Adams describes the seductive sirens and their honeyed songs, the powerful Arctic sea goddess Sedna, and the long-haired rusalki of Russian lore, among other legendary mermaids. As she tells their stories, she considers the womanly, passionate, rage-filled, and seductively sweet sides of the mermaid and how those traits reflect the lives and moods of women who live on drier shores. In discovering mermaids and their stories, the author presents a striking narrative of uncovering the unusual, the beautiful, and the extraordinary in her own life. My Review: I found this book to be quite interesting. I didn't know Amanda Adams, but I found her tale about being a fan of mermaids since she was a child to be fun and whimsical. Anyone who has loved and treasured mermaids their whole life will be able to relate to this book at some point. One of my favorite parts of this book was when Adams described how she met a girl who reminded her of a selkie. At times, this book dragged on and got a bit boring, but overall, I enjoyed it. There was also a number of beautiful pictures of paintings in this book. One of them includes one of my favorite paintings by Waterhouse. I give this book (***) 3 stars. -Sirenita The Selkie

© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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