Sirenita's Grotto:
A website of mermaids, selkies, and sirens
By Sirenita The Selkie
Brief Movie Appearences
These mermaids weren't the stars, but they were far from unforgettable! Below are mermaids that played small roles in movies.

Although these mermaids are pretty, they're also mischievous!

Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire has a scene with very vicious (and ugly) mermaids!

CGI mermaids make a very brief appearance at the end of the movie.

Hans Christian Anderson: My Life As A Fairytale is a movie based on the author's life. It features a short clip about The Little Mermaid original story

In the 2003 version of Peter Pan, the mermaids were very nasty!

A Mermaid named Romy accompanies Barbie on her journey. She's a fish out of water without her tail!

Featuring the late and amazing Robin Williams, Hook tells a different version of Peter Pan. There is a scene where Peter is rescued by three mermaids.

Pirates Of The Carribean: On Stranger Tides feature mermaids, who enchant men to a watery grave.

The link below is a video for behind-the-scenes of Pirates. It's amazing how much work went into creating these gorgeous creatures!

Cala the mermaid is featured as a side character. I love her tail!

Princess Mindy helps to boost Spongebob and Patrick's morale by using her "mermaid magic."

Jill as a mermaid