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Mermaid Wisdom: Enrich Your Life With Insights From The Deep by Brenda Rosen*

Book Type: Mermaid information/ Encyclopedia/ Spiritual Motivation for the human :) Author: Brenda Rosen Pages:160 Summary( As sirens and sea goddesses, mermaids have long enchanted humans. Today, with the renewed interest in these angels of the deep, devotees will welcome this unique, new guide to accessing mermaid wisdom for personal growth and transformation. Enter world myths and legends and meet the first mermaid, Atargatis; the Celtic Seal Maiden; Menana of Native America; and others. Unearth universal symbols that make their tales resonate with our own life stories. Dive into the depths of the unconscious, using visualization, journalizing, and other exercises and rituals. Then bring back a treasure of mermaid insights that will nurture the wild, natural woman within and lead the way to happier relationships; greater creativity; and a more balanced and harmonious daily life. My Review: When I first picked up this book, I was in a bad place at the time. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, and it completely flipped my life upside down and I had completely lost my tail and didn't know who I was anymore. When I began reading this book, I knew it was instantly going to help me, and it did! This book really digs deep into the power of being a woman, and explores the woman's sexuality as well. Rosen makes the reader of Mermaid Wisdom question, what does it mean to you to be a woman? This book was full of mystical tales of mermaids from around the world, but it was also full of fun and spiritual activities that help explore your mind and the secrets within it,discover your inner mermaid and helps you discover who you are as a woman. I am definitely buying this book. It will help you too if you are in a stressful place and feel as if you have lost your fins! I give this book (*****) 5 stars -Sirenita The Selkie

© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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