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Mal The Mischevious Mermaid by Tiffany Mandrake

Book Type: Children's Literature/ Young Adult Author: Tiffany Mandrake Pages: 112 Summary( Mal is worried she will never be as bad a mermaid as her perfect sister Sal. But when she is offered the chance to win a Badge of Badness, everything changes. Or at least, it would, if only Mal could get the idea of winning the "Face of Mermaid Bay" contest out of her head. My Review: This book was very whimsical and clever, even though it was about a bad little mermaid! I read this small story from cover to cover and was in love with it. I finished this in a day because I could not put it down! I have never read a children's book about a mermaid who is trying to be bad. Usually, children's books are about princess mermaids, or mermaids who help humans. However, I was very surprised with the author's creativity with the concept of this cute book. What I really love about this story is that even though Mal has bad intentions, she never gives up her dreams and goals of getting a Badge Of Badness. This shows children to never give up their goal. The only thing I have to say about this is that I wish the book was a bit longer. It was a good concept, but I wish there was even more to the story! There are other books in the Little Horrors Series. They include: 1) Mal The Mischievous Mermaid 2) Tikki The Tricky Pixie 3) Nanda The Naughty Gnome 4) Effie The Outrageous Elf I believe the whole series is worth reading, no matter what the readers age level is. I give this book (*****) 5 stars. -Sirenita The Selkie

© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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