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The Little Mermaid Junior Novelization by Melissa Lagonegro and Disney*

Book Type: Novel Author: Melissa Lagonegro Pages: 128 Summary: The little mermaid Ariel wants to be human and nothing--not even a nasty sea witch—is going to stop her. Disney The Little Mermaid: The Junior Novelization is a complete retelling of this beloved Disney film and it features eight pages of full-color scenes from the movie for girls ages 8–12 who love the Disney princesses! My Review: I first stumbled upon this book while shopping on for, what else? Mermaid books! I bought this on a whim and decided to give it a shot. I was so thrilled with my purchase! This book completely mimics the movie, from every single scene, character and even the script was kept in. None of the lines were changed which I really loved. This truly felt like I was reading and watching the movie at the same time. Where there should be songs in the movie, Langonegro simply summarized what the song was about, which was fine with me. I have to say merfolk, I have read a lot of "The Little Mermaid" books, but so far this one portrays the movie the best. Check this book out if you are as crazy about The Little Mermaid as I am! I give this book (*****) 5 stars. -Sirenita The Selkie

© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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