Rating: NR (very clean kids movie!) Run Time: 92 minutes Summary(amazon.com): Ka-ching! That's all super sleuth Roxy Hunter (Aria Wallace) hears when she finds out about a newspaper contest that will pay $300 to the winner who writes the best story. The trouble is, she doesn't have one! Then, like magic, a mysterious young girl arrives out of the blue with nothing - literally. No words, no memory - nothing! Roxy names her Annie Nonymous and sets off to solve the mystery of the girl's missing memory. When Annie comes home soaking wet several nights in a row, Roxy realizes the biggest clue to her super story - Annie is really a mermaid! A mermaid who desperately needs her help to get home!
My Review: Mermaids and mysteries; two of my favorite things to watch for in mermaid movies! Sadly, this movie was mediocre at best. Roxy Hunter is a very annoying character. She is demanding, way too energetic and creates phrases like "incrediosible". However, the mermaid is completely gorgeous, and the actress portrayed Annie Nonymous perfectly! She acted just like Madison from "Splash". She is bubbly and curious, but skittish around humans. She also has a gorgeous mermaid voice and loves to sing, which puts men around her under a spell, and even makes one of the characters fall in love with her! Annie also has to follow the lunar cycle, just like Madison, and has to go back to the ocean before it's too late, or she will get stuck on land. Some of the scenes in this movie were just ridiculous and not needed. First off, some of the characters portrayed stereotypes of different cultures. For example, there is a Japanese man who owns a sushi place and addresses Roxy by saying "Roxy-San." There is also a lot of unnecessary scenes. There is stuff involving Roxy's mother's personal life, which didn't have much significance to the plot. The adults in this movie also act like complete morons... and all of the children seem to have the brains. I just wish we saw more mermaid scenes and less horrible acting. I give this movie (***) 3 stars. -Sirenita The Selkie