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Xena: Warrior Princess featuring Crabella, Sturgina and Crustacea

Title: Married With Fishsticks Run Time: 45 minutes Summary( When she's into a fight between Aphrodite and Discord, Gabrielle falls into the sea and when she wakes up, she's a siren named Crustacea, and she's married to a Joxer look-alike called Hagar. My Review: Wow... I dont even know where to begin with this episode. Not only was the plot very strange, but the mermaids were hideous and trashy!

Oh and by the way... that weird squid thing is one of the mermaid's kids!!!

I really didn't like this episode and I don't reccomend it. I give this episode (**) 2 stars.

-Sirenita The Selkie


© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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