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Mermaids On Ru Paul's Drag Race

Break out your wigs, high heels, and false eyelashes, but don't forget your fins!

On Thursday, "Ru Paul's Drag Race" had a themed runway look featuring mermaids! While some of the queens chose elegance and "fishy" appeal, others chose a darker Ursula-inspired tail, like Eureka. I've been a huge fan of this show for years and was so happy to see that Ru Paul is keeping up with the mermaid trend.

My favorite mermaid looks were Miz Cracker, who went for a "mermaid barbie" inspired look, with plenty of pink and pretty blue eyes. I also enjoyed Kameron Michaels and Eureka's bold makeup choices.

But it wouldn't be a drag show without some drama, and the Vixen brought plenty of it! '

Take a look at this week's episode. What's your favorite mermaid look?

-Sirenita The Selkie


© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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