Rating: NR (I would say G. Nothing bad or scary)
Run Time: 1 hour 27 minutes
A sequel to the popular romantic mermaid drama, in which Allen and Madison return to New York - one to save his business, the other to save a Dolphin in captivity. You can guess which does which.
My Review:
Splash is one of the most iconic mermaid movies, and for most performers, Madison inspired them to trade their legs for fins. Contrary to the first movie, Splash Too does not have any magical moments that were inspiring.
First, I was disappointed but not surprised that none of the original cast was in the movie. This takes away from making a connection to the main characters. All of the main roles in the original movie had these memorable personalities that just can't be replaced or replicated. The opening scene shows Madison and Allen on a remote island, which contradicts the first movie's ending. They were supposed to swim away to Madison's deep sea home. What are they doing on a random island? And what about Madison warning that Allen couldn't go back on land if he chose a life under the waves?
Amy Yasbeck replaced Daryl Hannah, and I was disappointed by her performance. She seemed to have trouble swimming in the tail, which is also not as pretty as Hannah's. Something seemed dull about the tropical orange tail. I was also surprised that there was a lack of underwater shots of her swimming! She also didn't replicate Madison's persona correctly. Madison is shy and curious, yet Yasbeck portrayed her as rather loud and sociable.

The rest of the actors also did not live upto their characters reputation. There is a new creepy scientist, who flirts with Madison way too much, even though he knows she's m
arried. Allen is also a jerk to his mer-wife! He is very condescending and tells her to act human. He also ignores Madison's plea for help to rescue her dolphin friend, who is trapped in captivity. A real dolphin was also used in the car chase scenes, which must've been extremely stressful for the animal.
Unfortunately, this plot lacked a bigger purpose for the audience to care. Allen, why do you care so much about your family's produce business your wife's wishes to help a childhood friend? Don't watch this sequel! It really ruined a classic mermaid film. I give this movie (*) 1 star.
-Sirenita The Selkie