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Barbie: A Sea of Friends by Rita Balducci*

Book Type: Children's Book Author: Rita Balducci Pages: 55 Summary: Barbie joins her friend on an adventure and learns that people who are different can be friends too My Review: I first found this book when I was looking into buying some mermaid barbie dolls for my collection. However, I used to have this book when I was little and I still adore it to this day! I really love some of the concepts mentioned in this book, such as being adventurous, instead of just sitting and staring at the mirror, friendship despite differences, problems that ocean life must go through and helping those in need. I found this book to be very mature for a barbie book and it surprised me. I must share this quote with you, merfolk! "Barbie sighed. "Most mermaids are afraid of people," she told Eva. "They hear of humans in boats who hunt their whale friends. They see trash dumped into the water. They hear seagulls talk about places where all the fish are dying," (Balducci 26). This quote shocked me completely, especially a topic like this in a kids book! As you can see by the cover, the images are very unique; they are photographs of an actual Barbie surrounded by her sea-friends. The photos in here were absolutely incredible. If you love mermaids AND Barbie as much as I do, go check this little treasure out. I loved it! I give this book (*****) 5 stars. -Sirenita The Selkie

© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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