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The Mermaid Of Cafur by Evelyn Foster

Book Type: Children's Literature Author: Evelyn Foster Pages: 32 Summary( Far away to the west there is a magical underwater kingdom called Cafur, deep beneath the dark, emerald sea. The queen of Cafur is Arianne, a cruel mermaid, who likes to steal children. When she captures Ewan, his sister sets out to rescue him. My Review: I really enjoyed reading this book as well as diving into the sea and exploring Cafur in these pages. The colors are what first captivated me, since they mimic the aqua green of the sea so well. This storyline actually reminds me a bit of Hansel and Gretel, in which the evil witch (queen mermaid in this case) steals children, which is what Queen Arianne does in this book, and then uses them to do her bidding. I think even if this book did not have full illustrations, the reader would have a clear picture in their mind. Foster really creates a captivating and imaginative plot! In my personal opinion, the illustrations are a bit too whimsical for me, but as you can see, they are quite beautiful and would definitely capture the mind of either a child or adult. I really recommend reading this if you like classic fairy tales, or if your child wants a cute bedtime story! I give this book (****) 4 stars. -Sirenita The Selkie

© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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