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Mermaid Tales 4: Danger In The Deep Blue Sea by Debbie Dadey

Book Type: Easy Read Chapter Book Author: Debbie Dadey Pages: 112 Summary( Late-breaking news from the Trident City Tide: There have been shark sightings in Trident City! No swimming alone! Pearl's father even hires a Shark Guard to escort her to school. Pearl starts stirring up lots of trouble with anything that has to do with sharks, even denouncing the skeleton Kiki has in her room. And then, to make matters worse, Pearl accuses Kiki of stealing her precious pearl necklace! And though the undersea waters are indeed filled with danger, Pearl just might discover that true friends can provide a sense of safety! My Review: I wasn't too thrilled that they had a book on Pearl. Pearl is the mean girl, the bully. She irritates me and seems to have it out for everyone. She reminds me of the bullies who bothered me when I was a young mergirl. I also didn't like how Dadey made it seem that sharks are killing machines. In fact, I think it would've been cool if a shark entered the city and was friendly instead of being a monster. I really didn't like this particular book in the Mermaid Tales series. I give this book (**) 2 stars.

© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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