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A Treasury Of Mermaids: Mermaid Tales From Around The World by Shirley Climo*

Book type: folktale and legend collection Author: Shirley Climo Pages: 80 Summary( Lavishly designed and illustrated, this beautiful book is the definitive collection of mermaid lore. A catch of international mermaids, from a Japanese ningyo and a Swiss nix to an Irish merrow and an Alaskan nuquot swim through the pages of this elegant volume. Full color. My Review: This book was definitely a treasure as the title suggests. Even though this book is intended for children to read, I found myself enjoying this book very much. I have heard of the different types of stories and mermaids from around the world, from the merrows of Ireland to the ningyo of Japan. However, I have never read any of the stories mentioned in this book, and I found them all interesting and beautifully adapted and rewritten.

This children's book is great for someone who is interested in folklore from around the world, or for someone who just loves mermaids, like me! The only thing I must say I was surprised about was the lack of images in this book. At the beginning of each story, there is one colored image and a few black and white pictures throughout each story, but I feel that for a children's book to really come alive, there should be some beautiful artwork, such as the cover. I give this book (****) 4 stars. -Sirenita The Selkie

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