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Disney’s The Little Mermaid #8 Paperback: The Haunted Palace

Author: Katherine Applegate

Book Type: Middle grade paperback

Pages 73

Summary (

King Triton and his daughters have traveled to the icy waters of the Artic Ocean to visit an old family friend. Soon after they arrive, the princesses learn that the palace where they're staying is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a merman named Morven, who died a horrible death there many years earlier. At first Ariel and her sisters are skeptical, but when strange and spooky things begin to happen, they have to admit that it really does seem as if someone - or something - is after them. Could it really be the ghost of Morven?

My Review:

It’s becoming difficult to find these classic paperbacks, but I’m almost done with the collection! This was another great addition to TLM paperback series. When the novel opens, Ariel looks out the window and sees the Artic Ocean with enormous glaciers and a palace made of ice! The water is freezing, but Ariel and her sisters and excited about the festivity…until Sebastien slips and tells them about a ghost named Morven.

I really appreciated that this story had the perfect balance of a scary ghost story without being too terrifying, especially since this is for young mers. At first, I thought the ending was a bit predictable until something amazing happens! I can’t reveal any spoilers, but this was a fun book, perfect for a weekend afternoon. Make sure to check out the other paperbacks on this blog!

I give this book 4 stars.

Sirenita The Selkie.

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