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I FINALLY Watched the Live-Action Little Mermaid!

Hello Merfolk!

I apologize that I've been away so long. If you keep up with my endeavors on my professional author blog, you may have noticed I published 2 short story collections (one is about mermaids btw :) ) so I hope you check it out! Unfortunately, I was also dealing with the loss of a family member along with some health complications.

But after reading a novel this week, I realized that I wanted my mermaids, my ocean, my underwater freedom. So I'm back! I'm currently reading The Saltwater Witch series and have some gorgeous picture books to review. But onto the main post: The Live Action Little Mermaid!

I know there's been a lot of controversy surrounding this movie, but really, please give it a chance before letting the trolls dictate your opinion!

My Review:

Prince Eric:

The beginning of the movie was a little scary since some of Eric's men were trying to harpoon what viewers think is a mermaid, but was actually a dolphin! Thankfully, Eric stopped them, immediately showing his kind nature. We also learn that Eric is 21 and was adopted by a gracious queen of the kingdom which he will one day rule over.

The mermaids and undersea life:

As we progress toward the undersea world, I was blown away by the brilliant scenery and underwater imagery! Just like the classic, all of the creatures were gorgeous and tropical!

Now, onto the mermaids:

The mermaid sisters are gorgeoussss and each one represented the seven seas (just as original movie theorists suggested). BTW, LOOK AT THESE DOLLS:

They also have mini dolls (since the larger set is becoming very expensive!)

And Ariel... she was just as captivating as the original with her brilliant tail and melodic voice, just like Jodi Benson's.

Despite people's criticisms, Halle Bailey played Ariel excellently, especially with her bubbly and defiant nature! Scuttle was another creature who changed a bit, played by Awkwafina (and she was hysterical)! Melissa McCarthy was also fantastic as Ursula, truly wicked. And the "garden" was so creepy! There was even a dead mermaid skeleton, suggesting a fate worse than a little garden plant!

Eric and Ariel Meet:

When Ariel finds Eric's ship, I love that she wasn't scared of Max and even helped him swim to the lifeboat! That scene always makes me so nervous! One of the best aspects of this movie is how Eric and Ariel's relationship is developed. In one scene, we learn about Eric's undersea collection and his excitement for the world, just like Ariel and her grotto! This helped create a deeper connection that I loved.

And the music?

Just like all Disney movies, the music was on point and well done. "Under The Sea" had such a diverse amount of wildlife, and it was adorable to see everyone dancing with Ariel and Sebastian! I also appreciated that Eric sang his own song too, adding another layer of originality.

One of my favorites was "Part of your World." This song was the defining moment for me, since I always got emotional when Jodi Benson sang it. I still teared up alongside my mermother, and we agreed that Halle played Ariel well!

Final Comments:

The mermaid community doesn't have a ton of awesome mer movies, so it you're not watching this because she isn't the mermaid you grew up with, I implore you to give it a chance. Halle Balley captured Ariel perfectly and it was a gorgeous movie.

I give this movie 5 stars.

-Sirenita The Selkie



© Sirenita Selkie. Reviews and pictures may not be submitted or used on other websites without my permission.

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